I'm still having a love/hate relationship with this Mac. I've had it over a year now and I'm still not sure it was a wise purchase. It continues to do things without my approval--like losing the entire post I'd just created. So here goes, again...
Last July I took a five day class with Philippa Naylor at Quilting by the Lake. I finally finished the piece. Philippa's work is perfection itself and I wanted to try to incorporate what I learned in a piece that would be worthy of her instructions. Some parts I feel do that; others do not. I'm not happy with the trapunto on the curlicues. Philippa uses three layers of batting in her trapunto (two in the actual design and one with the regular batting. She has a unique way of ending the piping and also stipples her bindings, both techniques I used in this piece. Also the center petals are kind of free form--done individually and then put together. The first two days of the week were devoted to learning some of her favorite techniques and then the last three days were devoted to designing our own work and incorporating the techniques we felt would be good for the piece. I wanted to get it done because I'm going to be going again this July and there is a quilt show during the two weeks of classes and I needed to get it done. Only took 8 months...
And--lost the photos again. Somehow one was retrieved. Lost the one showing the stippling on the binding. Bummer.
3 days ago
Sally, it's lovely. I enlarged the photo so I could look at it more closely at it's really beautiful. I think you're being a little too hard on yourself, but I also understand not meeting one's standards. We all set our standards so high, though, don't we? Anyway, you can be proud of it. The colors are beautiful and complement each other nicely. Well done!