I'm determined to finish three small projects started in classes I took this week at the Mancuso show in Oaks, Pa. The photo is from one of the classes taken from Gloria Loughman. We drew an abstract design and then started filling it in with segments with various adornments, for lack of a better word. Gloria is a fantastic teacher moving us along at a quick pace and fitting in as much information as possible in one day. She does 5 day workshops using this technique so you can see we did move briskly along. My sections are completed and tomorrow I'm going to put them together and then insert the circle into a background piece. Gloria brought along some of her hand-dyes and, of course, I fell off my no more fabric diet. I did manage buy a bit from her but not much from the vendors.
The entire three days spent in classes would have been much more enjoyable had my knee problems decided to flare up big time. The venue for the show is a convention center with concrete floors and after two days of class and trying to see the vendors and the quilts in the show I was in agony. Fortunately a close friend and I shared a room and she really treated me like a queen. And a bit help was stopping on the way to class on Friday to purchase a cane. Much better, though I did not do any vendor snooping or looking at quilts. I just could not bear the thought of another night like the afternoon and evening of the previous evening. Unfortunately I'm seeing a knee replacement in the future. Then, hopefully, I'd be able to run around the convention center at lightning speed.
In a day or two (if my determination holds up) I'll have a photo of the finished piece.