A few weeks ago I happened to listen to one of Pat Sloane's radio casts. Well, I'm not sure what she calls the exactly. However, she had an interview with quilt artist Frieda Anderson and something about the interview peaked my interest. So I did some searching, found her blog and began to follow it. Went to Amazon and ordered her two books and when she posted an offer for two new patterns, I jumped on the offer. This is the result of my first attempt. It is really such fun and she has a new technique (at least for me) in using fusibles. And luckily I happened to be passing through our local upgraded what used to be called a 5 & 10 cent store and they happen to carry fabric. There, just calling out to me, were these three pieces of fabrics (plus a few more but we won't get into that...) Anyway, came home and this is the result. Took one evening. You'll notice there are some loose threads on top. That's because although my machine has an automatic thread cutter it always leaves little nubs of threads on the back and I don't like that. So I am trying a new technique of pulling the bobbin thread to the top and using some new needles I found called spiral eye self-threading needles. They're an alternative to the regular self threading ones in that they thread from the side and hopefully that will eliminate the thread coming out of the eye, a problem I've had with the old needles. These new needles were kind of expensive so I hope they don't end up in the land of "I wonder where I put..." I'll let you know how they work. Anyway, if you want to do some fun, quick fusible applique work, try Frieda's patterns. BTW, I like her technique so much I'm going to start using it on other fusible applique patterns I have in mind.